We understand that planning for your current and future needs can be tricky, as space requirements are driven by a wide variety of factors which can change day to day. Rather than solely focusing on what spaces you need, we believe good programming and planning efforts rely on understanding what you need spaces to do – focusing more on establishing capabilities rather than needs. Using this process, and drawing on over 15 years of experience leading complex programming and planning efforts, our team focuses on ensuring that this planning is rooted in reality, while fundamentally being an exercise in understanding you and the unique needs of your building to provide a tailor-made approach for space usage. Whether the goal is develop a detailed space program or a high level masterplan, our focus is on understanding WHY you work the way you do in order to better define opportunities for a project and to lay the groundwork for creating efficient, engaging and interactive spaces in the process.
Programming and Planning Services include the following:

- Detailed Space and Headcount Planning
- Masterplanning/Feasibility Studies
- Phased Space Planning and Logistics
- Equipment and Furniture Documentation and Planning
- Project Visioning and Goals